Time to get physical!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Hello everyone! I hope your Fourth of July weekend was great and that you were able to make some great memories with family and friends! 

We have, believe it or not, already reached the halfway point of 2016. Can you believe it? Where does the time go?

At the beginning of the year we tend to make resolutions or promises to ourselves..whether it be to stop a nasty habbit or perhaps to lose weight. Did you know that exercising regularly helps with better hearing? Maybe it’s not too late to get back to work on those resolutions. smiley

Exercise for Better Hearing

You already know that regular cardiovascular exercise can protect your heart from heart disease and stroke, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.  But did you know that these same conditions are linked to hearing loss?

•            Smoking; current smokers have a 70% higher risk of HL than non-smokers

•             Diabetes; hearing loss is twice as common in people with diabetes than in those without according to the National Institute of Hearing

•             Hypertension; there is a signif. association between high blood pressure and hearing loss

•             Heart disease; inadequate blood flow and trauma to the blood vessels of the inner ear can contribute to hearing loss.

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Portage Valley Hearing