For the Love of Summer!
Now that June has arrived, so has the hot weather. And as is common in Northwest Ohio, so has the humidity. Sometimes this heat and humidity can be difficult to bear. However, did you realize that your hearing instruments may also have difficulty working in this type of weather? Between possible exposure to perspiration and the moisture in the air your hearing aids may collect moisture which can cause them to malfunction.
If you experience beeping in your hearing aids, intermittent sound, or the instruments just don’t work at all, they may have a moisture issue. We are in the office Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5PM (closed for lunch from Noon to 1 PM) and you can stop in at any time and allow us to clean and check them for you. If that does not take care of the problem we often find that putting them in our Dry-n-Store will get rid of that moisture and they will sound as good as new. However, we also encourage you to purchase a Hearing Aid Saver to store your hearing aids in overnight. This small canister is designed to remove moisture from hearing instruments. This is an inexpensive way to remove any moisture that has built up during the day and keep your aids as dry as possible. The Hearing Aid Savers can be purchased in our office for $10.00.